Category Archives: Islamification

We must blame ‘Islamism’ for Islam’s evils – because it’s got ‘nothing’ to do with Islam.

Islam as a distinct entity from Islamism is an interesting idea – and so powerful that most world leaders are professing it is the only truth on this issue. But it is not an idea which anyone who has actually read the Koran and the Hadith (Muhammad’s biographies) can hold. In fact, all the Islamic terrorists the world has seen since the 1980s have been inspired not by random rage but by these core texts of Islam.

It would be wonderful if there really were a terrible bunch of people called ‘Islamists’ who focus solely on the less peaceful aspects of Islam as an excuse to wage war. After all, there are so many nice Muslims who are not waging war and live peacefully amongst us – what else are we to do about them otherwise?

I had a conversation with an American liberal yesterday, who believes Islam can be reformed. Clearly, Maajid Nawaz (above) also holds this belief. It is an honourable one, and I wish it were possible – but it is not. Not when one considers that both the Koran and the Hadith are FULL of hatred and discrimination for unbelievers, apostates, other faiths, women and ‘hypocrites’ or bad Muslims.  Continue reading We must blame ‘Islamism’ for Islam’s evils – because it’s got ‘nothing’ to do with Islam.

Islam – the religion of peace in action

‘We share the same values of respect, and dignity, and human worth’ – George W. Bush. Oh really?

‘Muslims make a valuable contribution’ – Gordon Brown

‘American Muslims have enriched the United States’ – Barack Obama.

Islam hides behind the myth of its being a ‘religion’ to promote ideas contrary to Western law and values. Islam is NOT a religion, nor a race. Falsely accepting that it is means that behaviour which would otherwise be banned as hate crime.

Islam deems apostasy a crime punishable by death. Blasphemy also incurs the death penalty. Sharia is inherent to being a Muslim and terror and conquest of all non-Muslims is the key reason for the ‘success’ of Islam worldwide. Islam bans all questioning and terrorises its own believers – keeping them bound to the Cult. It targets the under-educated and vulnerable globally to convert.

Islam subjugates women completely.  Women covered under Burkas, Honour Killings, Forced Marriage are all unfortunate symptoms of Islam in the UK.

Muhammad himself killed and raped, married a 6 year old girl and promoted bloody conquest. Polygamy, persecution of Jews and Christians, Barbarism such as beheading and crucifixion was what the originator of the Koran practised – and this is the ‘Perfect Person’ which Muslims are told to emulate. Isis, Taliban, Boko Haram, Hamas and all the rest are simply following the life of the prophet – they are not an exception. Sharia law is already used in the UK – Islam rejects any other law. Muslim schools teach children not to respect the Western values of the land they live in. Vigilantes implement no-go zones. Inbreeding is rife in the Pakistani population especially and leads to terrible deformities and of course additional submission to the family and the Cult.

Islam uses psychological indoctrination – Muslim apostates testify to this and they above all must be listened to. Those Muslims who assert it is peaceful are deluded – and the horror of Islamic killing is evidence to this. Indoctrinated Muslims turning a blind eye to the blatant evil of this Cult is almost understandable but our non-Muslim Western leaders? This is madness. We must all petition our leaders to urgently assess the true nature of Islam by seeking out Muslim apostates who can give the true picture of Islam the Death Cult.

Muslims hide behind the cry of ‘Islamophobia’ whenever there is criticism of their Cult. In turn they openly promote anti-Western values, Jew-hatred and intolerance. The number of attacks and foiled attacks on the West are legion and sadly in the developing world this is even worse. Allowing the spread of Islam in this way is allowing evil to grow openly.

If Christians were perpetrators of any of these evils there would be outcry and the perpetrators jailed. Why not with Islam? Clearly – the taboo is that some Muslims are brown-skinned and thus needs to be immune from all criticism for fear of appearing intolerant. Sadly – this convoluted thinking ignores that Islam is the most intolerant ideology in the world today. We must demand that Islam is removed from the West.

Islam is not a religion but a CULT – just like Scientology. We must demand an inquiry of our leaders into the Koran and the aims of Islam. We must question the loyalty of our leaders who constantly give Islam a free pass. Islam is against our values and peace. It must be questioned much more closely – and it will be found wanting. Islam must be banned – as it stands against all that civilised society holds dear.

Islam is peace? Let’s see – please take the time to watch this important video:
Populus Poll (2006): 12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 1 in 4 support suicide attacks against British troops.


Please sign and share the petition to have Islam examined as antithetical to Human Rights:

EU to ban ‘Islamophobia’?

With scenes such as the one above common place in the Islamic State and the horror of Boko Haram stalking Nigeria, the Taliban slaughtering school children in Pakistan and the terror in Paris so recent in our minds, the idea that we are now no longer allowed to be afraid of Islam is frightening in itself.

Let’s be clear – it is right and rational to fear this cult of violence which openly threatens non-believers and which, when it is in a majority in any nation enshrines violence and barbarism in law. It is right to be afraid of the people who are able to celebrate the killing of innocents such as Lee Rigby, the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists and the Kosher Supermarket victims last week. The sad fact is – of course Muslims will encounter fear because of these and all the other anti-Western atrocities – because they are being done in the name of Islam.

Rather than bemoaning it the Muslim community should organise to prevent future attacks, deradicalise its own people and elect leaders which will stand for an Islam which fits in in the West. It should not be up to us, the aggrieved, to be told we are to ‘See no evil, hear no evil’ when it is stalking us at our very doors! It is outrageous that armed police and army must guard Embassies in Europe today, it is madness that Jews must think twice before they wear outward shows of Jewry, it is mad their Synagogues and schools must also be protected by armed police. Islam has a nasty tradition of anti-semitism and of violence which is making itself felt globally at the moment but in fact which has been a tradition unbroken since the first days of the prophet’s ‘revelations’. What have we done? Nothing – bar try and be welcoming and include Muslims within our civil society.

Islamophobia is a myth perpetuated in the attempt to silence critics of Islam.

The best thing the Muslim community would do at this moment is to look inwards at the poison within its body. There was no doubt discrimination felt before these attacks – but since them, it will be more. This is not our fault – it is the fault of the terrorists and of the cult of Islam which promotes violence. It is up to Islam to sort its own house out – not us to suppress our fear and rage that this should be happening to our civilised societies. Sadly we know more attacks will take place – we must use all our powers to prevent these rather than worry about Muslims.

Let’s not forget – all people of colour, gays, Jews, women, disabled people, even Christians will have been on the receiving end of discrimination at some stage. All people will have – it is human nature to discriminate. Islam needs to examine itself for the reason why it reacts with this violence and makes every effort to look for imagined or real slights rather than getting on and working to make a success of themselves.  Countless Jews, Chinese, black people, disabled etc have done this for millennia – it is high time Islam grew a pair and learnt that no-one will love them if they don’t take responsibility for the state of their own house.

Islam – get a life. EU and Western Leaders – get real.

Islamophobia is no more real than Peter Pan – where are the massacred Muslims? No – it is non-Muslims and Jews who are being targeted – so let’s get to the nub of the problem – Islam – and sort that out, rather than imaginary issues.

It is us non-Muslims that are threatened by Muslims, openly on social media and demonstrably in the attacks we have suffered and the arrests of plotters planning further attacks. Isis has called on Muslims living in the West to attack the rest of us – this is clearly happening.

The authorities should be focusing on properly ending the Islamic hate speech that incites violence, blocking access to extremist websites and social media, and stopping broadcasters which perpetuate the Myth of Islamic Oppression – Islam Channel for example. The real problem is Muslims’ intolerance and hatred for non-Muslims.

There are existing laws to deal with violence and hate crime against people based on race or religion – so clearly any issues Muslims might face are already covered by the law. The EU should not pander to Muslim calls for special treatment as this would only help the vile attempts at silencing the debate about Islam. Why should they get a free pass to misbehave? It’s like a drug addict crying ‘It wasn’t my fault I broke into your home and ransacked it and beat you up – I’m an addict’! We would treat the addiction to prevent further attacks, but we would also hold the addict responsible for the damage done. If Islam wants to be treated like everyone else – it must stop behaving worse than everyone else. It must stop asking for special treatment and refusing to see and address the problems within its own house.

All Free Speech is NOT Created Equal

Oh ok – so I need to be beheaded for saying that Islamic free speech kills, whilst Civilised free speech doesn’t? Well I’ll say it again. OUR free speech criticises but doesn’t hope, expect, suggest or incite MURDER just because we don’t like something. Islam – yours clearly does. Continue reading All Free Speech is NOT Created Equal

Banning Books – Mein Kampf and Koran

BBC Panorama’s ‘The Battle for British Islam’ makes scary viewing. The numbers of lovely, integrated, cheery and intelligent modern Muslims are so few compared to the mass agreeing with a preacher that Sharia law is the best law for all humans. The media likes to show these nice fluffy friendly Muslims as if they represent all Muslims in the UK. Continue reading Banning Books – Mein Kampf and Koran

Islamophobia or Islamorealism?

In clinical psychology, a phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. So – are we being irrational in our fear of Islam?

The video above is interesting as it succinctly presents the ‘best’ moments of the prophet’s life – if you are interested in the truth about him. It’s an unpleasant list of his top accomplishments. Ordering the slaying of infidels – in particular Jews. Engaging in the slave trade and sleeping with his maid. Having 9 wives, one of which he had intercourse with when she was aged only 9. Having numerous very convenient revelations which had the effects of empowering him, making him rich and of motivating his followers to murder and conquer on his behalf. By his death he had unified the Arab nations under a single monotheistic religion – Islam (meaning ‘surrender’/’submission’). He had amassed wealth and a position of unalterable power (anyone who questioned him was put to death).

In his early days as a prophet,

“Most Meccans ignored him and mocked him,[74] though a few became his followers. There were three main groups of early converts to Islam: younger brothers and sons of great merchants; people who had fallen out of the first rank in their tribe or failed to attain it; and the weak, mostly unprotected foreigners.[77]From Wikipedia

In parallel to these early failures in life adopting Islam, we have the abject failures of the Kouachi brothers who were deemed ‘Not intelligent enough to resist extremism’. Not a great start nor a great continuation. Continue reading Islamophobia or Islamorealism?

France Panders to Islamic Sensitivity whilst Jews are Being Driven Out

“Thirteen-year-olds, 14-year-olds saying, ‘You shouldn’t insult the Prophet. The killing is justified.’”

Do Jews Have A Future in France – The Daily Beast

Today France had to deploy 10,000 Army troops to protect Jewish schools and Synagogues in France from possible anti-semitic attack. Why should this be? Because Friday’s horrific slaughter in a Kosher store was planned by an Isis-supporter Jihadi as an act against Jews specifically.

France is just as much the home of French Jews as it is French Muslims. Yet the authorities are tacitly allowing anti-Jewish sentiment within the Muslim community – at the expense of the French Jewish community. Why on earth would it do this? French Jews are living honest and peaceful lives, whereas crime is rife in the French Muslim community. French Jews assimilate, whereas clearly, as the Charlie Hebdo attacks make clear – French Muslims have a hard core which holds virulent anti-Jew, anti-French sentiment. Continue reading France Panders to Islamic Sensitivity whilst Jews are Being Driven Out

Pandering to Islam has Grown the Beast

ISIS-Map.jpg (475×356)

The more we appease, the more we indulge, the more emboldened the enemies of freedom become. Ayaan Hirsi-Ali in the Daily Beast

This is the sentiment that best encapsulates where our leaders have gone wrong since 9/11 heralded the start of this new wave of increasing violence from Islamic Jihadists, and where we should be headed from now on to stop this thing once and for all.

Instead of realising that this was a war to be fought on home soil, with not just foreign actors but home-grown ones too, our leaders went to Afghanistan and Iraq – where they found out that it is impossible to contain all that evil – once they left, the evil returned.

Instead, they should have immediately deported all radical preachers and anyone found to be espousing their messages. Where to? Who cares. Guantanamo was a start but clearly there is a massive amount of support for Jihad amongst Muslims in the West – whatever the number, it is easy enough to discover who they are. They are vocal on social media and in demonstrations. Prisons are full of Muslims radicalising and turning inmates against their home Nations. We should have swept them all away immediately, and cut off communications to the Muslim world.  Continue reading Pandering to Islam has Grown the Beast

The Banality of Evil in Paris

Looking at images of the French terrorists, it is hard not to think that they, like the Nazi Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for organising Jewish deportations to extermination camps, look ridiculously ordinary. Clearly, what they also had in common with the Nazi was ‘…an incapacity for independent critical thought’ as Hannah Arendt, the Jewish political theorist noted in describing Eichmann at his trial for war crimes in Jerusalem.

Had they or any other terrorists been really capable of independent critical thought they would surely not have lived their lives just to kill others in the name of a prophet that asked for total submission whilst enriching himself and accruing power. The terrorists, in common with all others, lived lives devoid of achievement, unremarkable except for some petty crime. Continue reading The Banality of Evil in Paris

Islamophobia in Europe

OK – I feel sorry for the Muslims who have nothing to do with attacks on non-Muslims. I really do. I feel sorry that they have to feel uncomfortable in their home countries because some crazed nutjobs murder in the name of Islam.

It was sad to watch on Channel 4 this evening some French Muslims holding up their passports and ID cards for the cameras. They are angry about the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the Kosher store ones which followed as of course, some people will now look at all brown people (me included!) and think – are they a potential terrorist? This is very sad. I am certain there are plenty of lovely Muslims who want only peace and quiet. I have known some lovely Muslims, who were exceptional people in every way – educated, peaceful and good parents. I am really sorry that anyone who has only love in their hearts are being treated with suspicion. Continue reading Islamophobia in Europe