We cannot afford to continue ignoring Islamic threats.

Since the global recession started in 2008, we have all had to make do, accept cuts to pay cheques and to public services just so as not to go bust. In the UK we hear our government is considering cutting our armed forces to under 50,000 in the next Parliament, and is struggling to keep defence spending to 2% of GDP.

Police escort an Islamist demonstrator marching to protest outside the US embassy in London

Our health service is stretched beyond what is reasonable, and the poorest are surviving on food from food banks. Yet despite all this belt-tightening, we heard yesterday that Jihadi John’s family is now receiving police protection at a cost to the UK tax-payer of £5000 per week. I would say it is entirely debatable whether they really are in danger here anyway – for the British people are not prone to lynching people for the sins of their children.

We have put up with Muslim rape gangs all over the UK – not one lynching of any Muslims. We have put up with the horrific slaying of one of our soldiers in our streets – not one lynching followed. In fact – there is simply NO basis for the fanciful premise that somehow there is a rampant Islamophobic threat to Muslims in this country. Frankly – Muslims are safer in the UK than they would be back in Muslim nations where Muslims are routinely killed by other Muslims. It is us non-Muslims who are increasingly at risk from Muslims in our own countries – yet this is not dealt with adequately by our leaders. Rather, valuable money is spent protecting Muslims from OUR non-existent hatred!

The fact that we are not lynching anybody is a great testament to our civilised nature – but it is not to say that the people of Britain are overjoyed at their hospitality and tax money being squandered on people who are so ungrateful as to throw it back in our faces in the most vicious ways. Clearly, had the Emwazis not brought up a son who now specialises in the public beheading of innocents from the UK and elsewhere, there would be no need (even imaginary) for such expensive protection.

In fact this family was so ungrateful that Britain had fed, housed and educated them since taking them in as asylum seekers in 1992 that they never bothered to work for their living – relying on the state to pay for absolutely everything. We’ll never know what they taught their children precisely, but it can’t have been a love of Britain, Western values, a sense of fair play, patriotism to the land which gave them a safe home away from the ‘danger’ they claimed back in Kuwait (even though daddy Emwazi seems to have no problem residing back there today), or a sense of gratitude to the British people for having done so much for them for so long.

So instead of despatching this ungrateful family back to Kuwait where they could clearly live in safety again, we are spending £5000 per week protecting them from imaginary threats.

Similarly, we spent at least £2.75 million on funding hook hand Abu Hamza during his stay in the UK where he and his family lived solely off the tax payer, and he engaged in open treason and sedition on the streets of London, preaching hate and violent Jihad against us. Yet the state did nothing for decades of this – until finally Theresa May managed to deport him in this Parliament.

Around all mosques in the country today, you will see men in traditional dress milling around during the day – whilst everyone else in the country is hard at work at their desks. Not all of these people can be their own boss, business owners who can work the hours they please. Surely it is not too difficult to imagine many are indeed living off the state? And yet nothing is done. And at the same time we KNOW that there is blatant hate preaching going on in these Mosques, whilst we work to pay welfare for the attendees so they may be free from the hassle of work, to listen to it.

Baroness Flather, who was Britain’s first female Asian peer said in September 2011 that Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities were failing to adopt the values of British society and said they should have their benefits slashed.

In a speech the House of Lords during the second reading of the Welfare Reform Bill, she said: “The minority communities in this country, particularly the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis, have a very large number of children and the attraction is the large number of benefits that follow the child.

“Nobody likes to accept that, nobody likes to talk about it because it is supposed to be very politically incorrect.”

Baroness Flather has been accused of stirring up hatred for this comment – yet it is backed up with facts:

“…compared with the UK average of 22% of the working age population being economically inactive, Somali, Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Iranian immigrants are likely to be 81%, 56%, 55% and 48% economically inactive respectively” – (Migration Watch report)

This is a problem of false concern for the ‘rights’ of these immigrant populations to continue to live here without learning English, to continue to have large families and even to have more than one wife. This is a clear example of both Labour and Coalition governments putting the ‘rights’ of immigrants over those of the existing population. The same Migration Watch report shows that the cost in terms of benefits for a family on low incomes is huge, over a lifetime:

“There is a high concentration of immigrants in London. For example it is estimated that 70% of illegal immigrants live in London.[1] As rents are considerably higher in London, the total lifetime costs for a two child family resident in London is £1.1million, of which £505,000 is Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.”

Pamela Geller, noted Islam critic, states this blunt summation of why so many Muslims are living off British welfare:

“53% of Muslim men are depending upon the kuffar. It’s the jiyza. It’s the duty of non-Muslim to pay for the upkeep of the non-Muslim”. – (See more at: Pamela Geller.com)

Yet still our governments pretend that we are a cohesive society where Muslims are contributing just as much as anyone else. Clearly, this is a complete lie – and it is the British people who suffer for this unfair situation in 2 ways – our national income is depleted in paying for these people who make every effort NOT to work, and our national security is jeopardised as they bring up children whose sole aims are to replace our Western democracy with a hateful Sharia Islamic theocracy. This is what terrorists want, and this is why they do not work – to have more time to plot terror and simultaneously drain our public purse.

This is why our government is letting us down. Rather than dealing with this clear abuse of our tolerance and generosity, it merely pretends there is a risk to Muslims from US, decent upstanding citizens! It claims there is rampant ‘Islamophobia’ when rather there is rampant hatred of non-Muslims BY Muslims alone – the ongoing revelations of the extent of ‘rape jihad’ (rape of young white girls by Muslim men) is proof if proof were needed – whilst there are clearly some Muslims who contribute and love this nation – there are far, far TOO MANY who hate us and abuse our tolerance to further their intolerance.

To the shame of the Crown Prosecution Service, who decided NOT to prosecute him when they could have, another would-be terrorist has just been sentenced to a long prison stay in New York state for plotting to blow up Manchester’s Arndale Centre. Incredibly, the police had seized this Pakistani on a fake student visa, found that he had been in regular contact with Al-Quaeda back in Pakistan and that he and his gang were plotting a Mumbai-style attack on the UK. Despite all the evidence the CPS decided not to prosecute him and let him back onto the UK streets where, had the US not demanded his extradition and successfully prosecuted him, he would no doubt by now have savagely taken the lives from a number of innocents.

There are daily examples of Muslims who were born and brought up in the UK and Europe who ‘out of the blue’ decide to become Jihadis, leave for Syria or kill people on home soil. At least this is how it is presented in the media and by our politicians. As if, without Islam, without having been brought up in a Muslim home or ‘radicalised’ by ‘hate preachers’ (preaching Islam) this would still have happened? Well, sure – there are nutters who ‘go postal’ and engage in mass killings without Islam. But the glaringly obvious fact is that these were unavoidable – with Jihad however, it is avoidable. How? Well simply by banning Islam, banning these vile ‘hate preachers’, banning all Jihadi intoned media (satellite and online) and engaging in a concerted campaign of civil education to remove Islam as an option for people.

Isn’t this too extreme a reaction? Well, it would be if it were based on a single solitary event. But Islam has been the cause of so much violence and death since 1980 (full list of atrocities here), and this is simply growing since the eruption of Isis and their claiming to have set up an Islamic caliphate (religious state) last year. It is now becoming insane not to address the core reasons for Islam’s seeming inexorable need for death and destruction.

The prophet said, “I have been awarded victory by terror; so the treasures of the earth are mine.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari/ Vol 9:127)

“….The prophet had their men killed, their children and women taken captive. The captives divided among the Muslims. Then the Messenger began taking the homes and property that were closest to him.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari/ Vol 5:512)

These quotes from Muhammad’s biography the Hadith are accepted as truth in the Sunni Muslim world (large majority of Muslims worldwide are Sunni) and Muslims are told to emulate and love this prophet despite this love of murder and looting. Yet I say ‘despite’ inadvertently – for in Islam there is absolutely no moral basis against murder or looting so long as it is done to infidels. Anything is allowed so long as Islam is spread globally until Islamic sharia law is the only law and Islam the only religion.

“Allah revealed His will to the angels, saying: ‘I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!’ That was because they defied Allah and His apostle. He that defies Allah and his apostle shall be sternly punished by Allah.” (Koran – Sura 8.12-13)

YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Koran 009.029)

The quotes above from Koran are merely two of at least 160 verses of hate towards non-believers. It has to be accepted – unless one is a Muslim (and the right kind of Muslim at that for Sunni hate Shia and vice versa) – one is the enemy of Islam and thus Muslims (those who can be bothered to) have the right, given to them by their ‘god’, to destroy us. It doesn’t matter whether Muslims are living in the West or anywhere else – it is their religious duty to spread Islam until we infidel are subdued. That is what is meant by ‘Islam is a religion of Peace’ – it means that in Muslim eyes there will be peace on earth ONLY once Islam is spread to every corner of the globe and Sharia law is the only law. This is what ALL jihadis believe – and we in the West had better start believing this too – before we end up like Indonesia, which was once a Hindu/Buddhist nation, which has been turned into a Muslim state first by immigration then violent take-over. The same can be said for India and Afghanistan which were Hindu/Buddhist until Muslims came and took over by force – hence Pakistan. It is estimated at least 80 million Hindus were killed during the Muslim rule of parts of India. M.A. Khan who wrote about Islam in India in ‘Islamic Jihad’ says this about Islam:

“After 9/11, Khan began reading the scriptures of Islam and realized that Islam is actually a manifesto of open-ended war against non-Muslims for converting them or for subjugating them into horribly degraded dhimmi subjects.”

The problem we have in the UK is that any criticism of Islam or the actions of Muslims is immediately decried to be ‘racist’, ‘intolerant’, ‘far-right’ or even ‘fascism’. Yet it is the precise opposite of all these – we who oppose Islam are opposed to the racism, intolerance and fascism of Islam! We would have lived happily with Muslims had they not started to abuse our tolerance and freedom and generosity – had they not started to wage war against us by preaching hatred against us and attacking us. The huge number of ex-Muslims working today to bring the truth about Islam to light is testimony to this – after all, they ought to know. (Read more here, here and here).

How can we have gotten to the state where now Jews have to have armed guards protecting their places of worship? How is it possible that today Soldiers are advised not to wear uniform outside for fear of attack? Anyone is at risk from Islam – we know of the Arndale bomber (above) who was planning a Mumbai style attack on us – the question is simply – Who and Where will the next Islamic attack destroy? Why are our politicians not doing anything about this? Why are they all still pretending that Islam is a peaceful religion when it has shown it cannot coexist anywhere without eventually beginning to demand special treatment, followed by abusing the system and them violent attacks. Why are our leaders not protecting US, the innocent public? Why are they instead spending our money looking after those who would destroy us?

There has been news of new measures being prepared by the government to tackle extremism – but I would argue that these are still far wide of the mark:

“A leaked draft of the Home Office’s new counter-extremism strategy, seen by The Telegraph, targets Sharia courts and calls for a ban on radicals working unsupervised with children over fears the young could be brainwashed.

Other measures include a requirement that staff at job centres identify vulnerable claimants who may become targets for radicalisation, after public outrage at people who hate Britain being able to live off the state.

There will also be an introduction of penalties in the benefits system to make people learn English to improve their integration into British society.

The rules on granting citizenship will also be tightened to ensure new residents embrace “British values”. (From The Telegraph).

Clearly – all of these should have been in place from the first immigration by Muslims into this country. Certainly since 7/7 our state should have been tough on immigrants who live off the state and spread hatred. Sharia should never have been allowed and English should be a basic requirement before immigration – as otherwise we are simply cooking up a mess where hundreds of thousands (millions?) simply move here and never work! When we are facing cuts to all our services, when pensioners who have worked hard all their lives are having to live off charity in their old age, there is simply no excuse to continue ignoring the threat of Islam – not only to our national security but also to our national finances.

We cannot keep funding a growing population of people who won’t work and who raise children who want to kill us. This simple fact is behind the popularity of UKIP – because none of the mainstream parties are honest enough to publicly acknowledge the fact that Muslim immigration has not been working for this country and something must be done about it sooner rather than later. If we do nothing – we are simply waiting for the next terrorist horror to be perpetrated against us by Muslims whom we pay too heavily for the ‘privilege’ of hosting.

This should be a Conservative issue – even a Labour one – the people of this country of whatever colour and creed who work hard and pay their taxes honestly are being robbed of their jobs, services and even their lives by immigrants who do not play by the same rules. The poorest workers are seeing their jobs going to those who will work for little – but ALL of us are paying too heavy a toll for Muslim immigrants who simply feed off the system and give nothing back but terror and hatred. All our political parties SHOULD be doing and saying more about this to make this behaviour publicly derided as unacceptable.

As a friend of mine who is a lawyer has said, anyone engaged in activities that are counter our national interests should quite rightly be prosecuted under existing Treason law –

“Treason… is a suitably flexible term that applies to most of the vast range of activities that UK Jihadis get up to without the necessity to ban everyone else from doing everything else. Moreover it also has the entirely appropriate stigma that is important for crime prevention and draws a clear moral opprobrium against traitors to the country.”

It is the moral opprobirum and social stigma that is missing today – and our politicians and our media are guilty of colluding with Islamists to remove this from Muslim criminals by pretending it has ‘nothing to do with Islam’. There is therefore a huge gap in understanding with the public about the reality of Islam and the false image of Islam portrayed by media and politicians – this is why we are blindly walking into a state of dhimmitude or subserviency to Islam. This is why we MUST demand our leaders stop the lying and start acting in the interests of people who only want peace and tolerance to reign in this land once again.

Please sign and share the petition to examine Islam widely – https://www.change.org/p/president-dean-spielmann-examine-whether-islam-is-antithetical-to-human-rights






Muslim Manifesto for UK – Demands for Special Consideration

Update on this from Louis Palme! Evidently Ali Sina at faithfreedom.org sees the list below as an ex-Muslim and believes there is a secondary agenda to all but 1 point on the agenda! I have thus edited it with these changes in mind!


By Louis Palme 

British Muslims have presented a Manifesto to Parliament outlining the thirty-three issues they want addressed by candidates for Parliament. This list provides a clear picture of the Muslim agenda in the UK, and it also helps us understand more-or-less what issues are on the agenda for American Muslims.

The original listing can be found at http://muslimmanifesto2015.com/draft-muslim-manifesto/ – it was created by the British Muslim think-tank the Institute for Muslim Community Development. 

What I have done with list below is put the items into a number of categories. Only eleven of the thirty-three demands would be considered fair and reasonable in a secular society. Those demands might have been thrown into the list to throw off the accusation that these are Muslim-specific demands.


Anti-free speech – This would deny the free discussion of religious/political ideologies

Blame-shifting – This demand implies that the problems in the Muslim community are the fault or responsibility of the government

Forced respect – A demand that government promote unearned/undeserved respect for Muslims

Jizyah – An attempt to get non-Muslim tax-payers to provide special or extraordinary benefits for the Muslim community

OKA reasonable demand regardless of religion – if the demand is honest and sincere

Sharia – This demand institutionalizes Sharia Law in the United Kingdom

Superiority – This demand places the importance of Islam equal or above other religions, despite their constituting only 4.4 percent of the population.

Taqiyah – A demand that the government endorse and propagate lies about Islam

Dhimmitude – The inferior state of non-Muslims in Muslim nations.


So let’s see how each point measures up:

1. Sharia Defend the right to a Muslim way of life, including halal meat; religious clothing; circumcision; and flexible working to accommodate Ramadan and festival observance.

2. Blasphemy Law Oppose all forms of hate crime, including Muslim-hate, Anti-Semitism and all other types of racism, whilst also promoting and enhancing community safety.

3. Dhimmitude – Promote good relations, understanding and cooperation between all of the UK’s communities.

4. Dhimmitude – Support efforts to accurately remember Muslim and non-Muslim histories including oppressive and genocidal actions against Muslim peoples by British and European peoples.

5. Legitimising IslamCommit to ethical British foreign policies that uphold the human rights of all peoples.

6. Islamic indoctrination of children — Affirm the importance of faith schools within the overall provision.

7. Anti-free speech Support the provision of religiously and culturally sensitive youth and social care services.

8. OKPromote a more just and sustainable future in the UK and abroad; supporting efforts to tackle poverty, environmental degradation including climate change, human rights abuses and the misuse of arms.

9. Superiority Celebrate and support Muslim heritage and cultural institutions.

10. Blame-shiftingEliminate the root causes of institutional discrimination against Muslims and introduce tougher legislation to prevent it.

11. Jizyah Significantly reduce poverty in Muslim communities.

12. Blame-shifting Reduce higher than average unemployment in Muslim communities.

13. Blame-shiftingReverse rising criminalization of Muslim youth.

14. Blame-shiftingBoost secular educational attainment of Muslims in Britain.

15. Jizyah Significantly improve health and well-being in Muslim communities.

16. Legitimise funding mosques – Provide assurance and evidence that foreign funding is not causing/promoting violent extremism in the UK.

17. Anti-free speech Introduce more robust legislation to curb media hate campaigns against Muslims.

18. Sharia Guarantee the Muslim community the opportunity to evolve independently of government social engineering programs.

19. Taqiyah Acknowledge that the holy scripture of Muslims (the Qur’an) does not endorse terrorism and the murder of innocents.

20. Taqiyah Acknowledge and celebrate Muslim contributions to knowledge and civilization including European civilization.

21. Forced respect Support all reasonable measures not to view Muslims with suspicion and through a security perspective.

22. Blame-shiftingEncourage enquiry into the effects of over-sexualization of public spaces upon young people.

23. Islamic Indoctrination of Children – Support the introduction of more rigorous and analytical religious education in all British schools that takes a balanced and critical approach to all the major world religions.

24. Superiority Provide more holistic and relevant curriculums in schools with a high proportion of Muslims pupils.

25. Islamic Indoctrination of Children — Support a holistic improvement of faith school education and stop the current securitization agenda.

26. Blame-shiftingSupport greater development of the Muslim arts and cultural sector to nurture more mainstream Muslim cultural leaders and role models.

27. Blame-shiftingAllow Muslims greater access to decision-making processes in the security services.

28. Sharia Recognize Muslims have a distinct ‘way of life’ (deen) which opposes any understanding of religion or faith as separate from other aspects of life.

29. OKWithdraw all economic, military and other support for oppressive governments in Muslim and non-Muslim countries.

30. Superiority Promote the positive shared Abrahamic history of Moorish, Christian and Jewish culture in Europe.

31. Superiority Highlight and promote the Muslim Diaspora’s contribution to the British economy.

32. Blame-shiftingEncourage the development of a 21st century Muslim ideological narrative conducive to living peacefully in the West whilst remaining true to the values of Islam.

33. Blame-Shifting Oppose all unfair exploitation of resources owned by Muslim and non-Muslim countries

Louis Palme writes for http://www.islam-watch.org/about-us.html – a wonderful group of ex-Muslims making every effort to expose Islam. I’m very proud to be able to reproduce this article here and urge you to explore their site for yourselves:

We felt it incumbent upon us to make the non-Muslim world aware of the reality of Islam, and undertake timely precautionary measures against this religion of terror, hatred and mayhem. We tell the world that the ongoing terrorism, unleashed by Islamic militants, is not an aberration from the so-called ‘peaceful religion of Islam’; instead, it is the real Islam preached and practiced by its founder, Prophet Muhammad. A thorough study of the Qur’an and prophetic tradition (Hadith, Sunnah) makes that obvious.

We, therefore, have launched this website to expose the “real Islam”—the Islam that is determined to replace the modern civilization with the 7th-century Arab Bedouin barbarism, peddled by Muslims as the true Islamic Civilization. Let the world watch Islam through www.islam-watch.org and be warned.

We must blame ‘Islamism’ for Islam’s evils – because it’s got ‘nothing’ to do with Islam.

Islam as a distinct entity from Islamism is an interesting idea – and so powerful that most world leaders are professing it is the only truth on this issue. But it is not an idea which anyone who has actually read the Koran and the Hadith (Muhammad’s biographies) can hold. In fact, all the Islamic terrorists the world has seen since the 1980s have been inspired not by random rage but by these core texts of Islam.

It would be wonderful if there really were a terrible bunch of people called ‘Islamists’ who focus solely on the less peaceful aspects of Islam as an excuse to wage war. After all, there are so many nice Muslims who are not waging war and live peacefully amongst us – what else are we to do about them otherwise?

I had a conversation with an American liberal yesterday, who believes Islam can be reformed. Clearly, Maajid Nawaz (above) also holds this belief. It is an honourable one, and I wish it were possible – but it is not. Not when one considers that both the Koran and the Hadith are FULL of hatred and discrimination for unbelievers, apostates, other faiths, women and ‘hypocrites’ or bad Muslims.  Continue reading We must blame ‘Islamism’ for Islam’s evils – because it’s got ‘nothing’ to do with Islam.

JIhadi Emwazi and Treason Laws.

Hearing about Jihadi John’s life of luxury at taxpayer’s expense (his parents never worked and they lived in million pound properties in Maida Vale) is unbelievable – though not surprising.

What did the Emwazis offer the UK? Nothing. What did we give them?  Asylum from alleged oppression in Kuwait (though the parents are back there now…) and of course totalling the benefit payments and luxurious house in London – more than 99% of the UK population could afford.  Continue reading JIhadi Emwazi and Treason Laws.

Moral relativism seems to always favour Muslim aggressors over those defending themselves

Here I reprint part of an article by Raymond Ibrahim originally published in PJ Media and FrontPage Mag:


West Misses Point—and Lesson—of Buddhist Anti-Muslim Sentiment

Consider the words of Fr. Daniel Byantoro, a Muslim convert to Orthodox Christianity:

“For thousands of years my country (Indonesia) was a Hindu Buddhist kingdom.  The last Hindu king was kind enough to give a tax exempt property for the first Muslim missionary to live and to preach his religion. Slowly the followers of the new religion were growing, and after they became so strong the kingdom was attacked, those who refused to become Muslims had to flee for their life to the neighboring island of Bali or to a high mountain of Tengger, where they have been able to keep their religion until now. Slowly from the Hindu Buddhist Kingdom, Indonesia became the largest Islamic country in the world. If there is any lesson to be learnt by Americans at all, the history of my country is worth pondering upon. We are not hate mongering, bigoted people; rather, we are freedom loving, democracy loving and human loving people. We just don’t want this freedom and democracy to be taken away from us by our ignorance and misguided “political correctness”, and the pretension of tolerance. (Source: Facing Islam, endorsement section). 

Continue reading Moral relativism seems to always favour Muslim aggressors over those defending themselves

Boris Johnson – My hopes that you were the next Churchill are dashed.


Today Boris Johnson wrote in the Daily Telegraph that Jihadi John et al should not be ‘glamourised’, that rather they must be debunked. I agree with that, of course.

“They are not even religious: many are said to have a very sketchy knowledge of the Koran. They are hopeless hypocrites who claim to despise the West but who pathetically wear Nike trainers and daub their temples with expensive Chanel cologne (Egoiste, appropriately, the preferred aroma). Many of them are losers: twits, twerps and misfits who are hopelessly caught up in a mobile-assisted pornography of violence.

Continue reading Boris Johnson – My hopes that you were the next Churchill are dashed.