Tag Archives: Muslim Rape Gangs

Raising Funds to Help Survivors of Muslim Rape Gangs

Today I met a victim, a survivor, of a Muslim child raping gang. She has suffered the most appalling sexual and physical abuse and needs Therapy desperately just to cope. Please donate and share widely to make sure she can pay for it on an ongoing basis, and to start to help her and others like her to get over the emotional and physical harm and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder they experience.

These girls have been groomed for sex from as early as primary school. Their families have been threatened and they have been sold between men to abuse in the most vile ways. Too ashamed they often do not tell anyone until the psychological damage runs deep. They self harm and lose the ability to protect themselves from further damage. The police, care staff, teachers and doctors have failed them – writing them off rather than seeking to help and heal them.

They often have to continue living in the same town as the men who raped and sold them – and receive no help from the authorities who turned a blind eye for so long to their despair.

This is the true story of the girl I met today. She is surviving, but the therapy course the NHS awarded her has now run out. She tried just this week to end her life as she can see no way out without this essential care and support.


Please help by donating and by sharing this campaign with everyone you know. Make them see why if we do not help these girls – nobody else will.
