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Re-Boot Your Common Sense – Immigrants Victims or Opportunists? By Louis Palme

Here I print a new article by Louis Palme, a frequent contributor to on the crisis of immigration currently facing Europe especially but the entire Western world, due to crises in Africa and the Middle East. It is a timely reminder to all of us to consider the issue dispassionately, rather than allowing sentimentality to cloud our better judgement. Our Western governments are exercising knee-jerk decision-making based on the image of a young child who died, and the fact that thousands are trying to enter their countries. Never before has the mere fact of trying to enter a country by any means meant that entry was simply granted – this is capitulation to an invasion. Our governments are being swayed by the naivete of the Left in painting these migrants as ‘refugees’ – when in fact they have all rejected perfectly save havens in countries such as Turkey, Lebanon and Hungary to reach Western Europe. These are not simple refugees, as in order to claim refugee status a person MUST register in the first safe haven. In fact a Syrian activist tells us the money given to smugglers for a family to reach Europe would buy a house in a SAFE part of Syria, with enough left over to start a business.

On Radio 4’s Today programme yesterday, immigrants were interviewed on their reasons for making their voyage. Two said they simply wanted to continue their studies, and one mother said ‘If I’d known how hard it would be to get here, I wouldn’t have bothered coming’ – hardly desperate refugees any of them – they simply want a better life.

Here is Louis’ perspective on this problem, which he stresses he makes as a child of immigrants himself – he is pro-legal immigration, but agrees with me that this is anything but legal, nor are these really refugees, it is an opportunistic horde coming to claim for their own the benefits and products of 2,000 years of Western civilisation.

The duty of care from our governments to the existing population is being entirely disregarded by our politicians, and herein lies the rub. The reason the West is rich and successful is not merely because of its past history of colonisation. It is because of the work ethic of its citizens – mostly due to the Judeo-Christian values of our culture. The Muslim world has been successful only in remaining stuck in the middle-ages, in not modernising, in ignoring human rights and in oppressing its people with violence and tyrannical regimes.The people now entering the West are part of that world – not ours. They bring the values of Islam with them – which all the attacks on the West have shown us places them in direct opposition to our values, security and laws. The result is certain to be horrific confrontations and probably the same chaos and wars as these people left ‘back home’.

The urge to ‘welcome refugees’ stems from a misplaced compassion for strangers to whom our leaders and media assign unproven motivations and emotions – they fully expect ALL these ‘refugees’ to be ‘just like us’. Most are not seeking safety – they are seeking enrichment. As we can see from the chaos of the Muslim world today, the rights of women are routinely abused, and far from being ‘diverse’ these societies are rigidly homogenous and highly intolerant of ‘the other’. The people of the Western world will be the poorer for their sentimentality and short memory span when the truth of this is finally clear – that this is an invasion, a Hijra in the Islamic – the ‘holy’ Islamic duty to emigrate and conquer.

By Louis Palme

The world is facing the greatest emigration crisis since World War II. The word “emigration” is used because people are definitely leaving their homeland, but it also clear that their ability to legally immigrate into other countries is yet to be decided. The waves of emigrants leaving war-torn Middle East and North Africa have overwhelmed the Western countries’ national security apparatus and the resources of humanitarian aid organizations. Many innocent people are dying. The natural response in the West is “Let’s do something!”

The truth is that the West is already doing an inordinate share of the relief effort for truly displaced people who have been driven from their homes by violence and persecution. Where is a similar response from the Muslim Arab Gulf States?


If Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia justify rejecting refugees out of fear of terrorism, why is that concern irrelevant in the West? Where is the Islamic “compassion” and “brotherhood” for those in need? Meanwhile, Germany will be accepting over 800,000 refugees in this year alone.

A Dubious Poster Child

An even more serious issue has to do with how many of the current wave of emigrants leaving the Middle East and North Africa are truly displaced victims or merely opportunists seeking a better life. The drowning of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi has become “the symbol of the refugees’ tragic situation.” But was he a victim of Western indifference or parental irresponsibility?

aylan kurdi 2

But there is much more to the story than the sympathetic press in the West is willing to reveal: The boy’s father, Abdullah Kurdi, had applied for refugee status in Canada, but his application was rejected as incomplete because he had previously worked in Turkey and needed an exit visa from that country.

So in August, Abdullah joined the mass emigration movement with his wife and two young sons, none of whom could swim. Although they had purchased life-jackets, they weren’t wearing them when a wave swept the wife and two boys overboard. Apparently, Abdullah’s primary goal in Turkey was to get some dentures under the Turkish social welfare program, for which he qualified.

Robert Spencer thinks the story is even more incredible – that Abdullah wasn’t even in the boat carrying his wife and children. See:

After the tragic accident, Abdullah and three adult-sized, ornate caskets found their way back to his home town of Kobani, Syria.

aylan kurdi coffins

Since Muslims bury their dead wrapped in a cloth and laying on their sides, these coffins seem rather out-of-place. If Abdullah and his family were truly displaced, how could they return to their home town for the funeral? If Abdullah and his family were so desperate he had to emigrate in a rubber dinghy, who paid for the coffins, their transport, and airfare for Abdullah’s return to Kobani?

Abdullah was quoted in the media as saying he now wants to stay in Kobani because Syria is already much better than Europe. Common sense would say that this “symbol of the refugees’ tragic situation” is actually a story of an opportunist who irresponsibly put his family in peril while he is getting some new teeth at the expense of the Turkish social welfare system.

A whole different kind of emigration

We are dealing with a whole different kind of emigration. It’s clear that world leaders do not know how to deal with the problem. After WWII, there were a lot of “displaced people” needing a new home. These people were basically aliens in their home countries, “displaced” by the outcome of the war. Jews and Poles come to mind. What we have today are people leaving “failed states” in large numbers. The flow of humanity could potentially be the entire population of those failed states – all for the same reason. But these people are not ideological or cultural misfits. Instead, they are bringing their failed ideology and culture with them. In their new homeland, they want to set up parallel legal systems that are alien to the existing constitutions and legal systems. What will this do to the culture and legal systems of their host countries?

If there were 800,000 armed invaders on the border of Germany, for example, the nation would rightfully repel them. Is there a moral argument that says if 800,000 unarmed invaders try to enter the country illegally, they should be welcomed? Compassion compels us to help those in need, but when there are so many claiming to be in need of assistance, somehow that compassion must be rationed. In the humanitarian triage, who decides which emigrants will become immigrants to a new country? Is it fair to fast-track some people who literally came to our doors uninvited, while others from the same region and circumstances had to wait 10 years for legal entry?

There is also an issue with the sinister dispersal of recent immigrants here in the U.S. Inordinate numbers of Somalis have been re-settled in small agricultural communities. These are towns that employ large numbers of unskilled labor in meat packing and food processing industries. The government is saying to employers, in effect, we are going clamp down on your use of illegal Mexican immigrant labor, but we will replace those workers with Somalis who will likewise work at low wages. To sweeten the deal, the government subsidizes the companies who will employ these workers. What we are discovering, however, is that human labor isn’t interchangeable. Mexicans not only have a strong work ethic but they share the same Judeo-Christian values as most Americans. The Somali workers, on the other hand, do not have the same motivation or values as their employers. This is creating problems.

It will be a disaster if Western countries accept all comers in this new, massive emigration phenomenon. That would encourage more and more people to try to enter Western countries illegally. It would drain the resources of the host countries, and cause reactionary attitudes and responses to the new arrivers. Nations need to be able to “lock the door” and control who enters and who does not enter. Compassion must be tempered by common sense if the good of the people who made the West such as success is to be protected.

Raising Funds to Help Survivors of Muslim Rape Gangs

Today I met a victim, a survivor, of a Muslim child raping gang. She has suffered the most appalling sexual and physical abuse and needs Therapy desperately just to cope. Please donate and share widely to make sure she can pay for it on an ongoing basis, and to start to help her and others like her to get over the emotional and physical harm and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder they experience.

These girls have been groomed for sex from as early as primary school. Their families have been threatened and they have been sold between men to abuse in the most vile ways. Too ashamed they often do not tell anyone until the psychological damage runs deep. They self harm and lose the ability to protect themselves from further damage. The police, care staff, teachers and doctors have failed them – writing them off rather than seeking to help and heal them.

They often have to continue living in the same town as the men who raped and sold them – and receive no help from the authorities who turned a blind eye for so long to their despair.

This is the true story of the girl I met today. She is surviving, but the therapy course the NHS awarded her has now run out. She tried just this week to end her life as she can see no way out without this essential care and support.

Please help by donating and by sharing this campaign with everyone you know. Make them see why if we do not help these girls – nobody else will.

Antisemitism grows as Islam grows

Surprising how anti-semitism rises with Islam?

No, it is hardly surprising that anti-semitism has reared its revolting head in Europe once more with the growth in the Muslim population.

Islam has a history of hating and massacring Jews since its prophet Muhammad was alive:

“Then the Messenger of Allah sent Sa’d bin Zayd with some of the Qurayza captives to Najd, and in exchange for them he purchased horses and arms. The Messenger of God commanded that furrows should be dug in the ground for the Qurayza. Then he sat down. Ali and Zubayr began cutting off their heads in his presence.”

—Al-Tabari, Vol. 8, pp. 39–40

This instance is a veritable blueprint for Nazi extermination of the Jews in the last century – yet it predates it by 1400 years:

“The Jews were made to come down, and Allah’s Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out into the marketplace of Medina (it is still its marketplace today), and he had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800 to 900 boys and men. As they were being taken in small groups to the Prophet, they said to one another, “What do you think will be done to us?” Someone said, “Do you not understand. On each occasion do you not see that the summoner never stops? He does not discharge anyone. And that those who are taken away do not come back. By God, it is death!” The affair continued until the Messenger of Allah had finished with them all.”

—Al-Tabari, Vol. 8, p. 35, see also Ishaq:464

So when the ‘perfect example’ for Muslims behaved precisely like Hitler’s killers, it is not hard to see where Hamas and Iran look to find their intense murderous hatred of Jews.

Ayatollah Al-Khamenei has called for the annihilation of Israel and the arming of the West bank as well as Gaza whilst Iran works on developing a nuclear weapon.

Is it any wonder that Muslim attacks on Jews in Europe keep growing when Muslims in their home nations hold these views of Jews?

This piece of research charts the far stronger negative feeling among Muslim immigrants than among Christians and is well worth reading


It is said that ISIS and their backers have as their aim bringing about the day of Judgement – is there any question where their stated aim is likely to lead to?

“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews. (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).”

Sahih Muslim, 41:6985,

Islam and Political Correctness

food for thought…do the ‘moderates’ really matter?


Reality versus political correctness; in today’s world an uneven battle, reality is the underdog.  Time we all supported the underdog for a change…

Politicians and media keep us politically corrected,
Any warnings about Islam must not be detected;
They say the majority of Muslims are quiet, law abiding,
But it’s behind the majority that the problem is hiding.

Will Scribe Silence

The majority of Germans did not support
The extremist ways that the Nazi’s taught;
Yet the world all suffered to the same extent,
The peaceful German majority were irrelevant.

In Russia, China and Japan, just look at the toll,
Millions upon millions killed by those in control.
A minority were able their extreme ways to enforce,
The peaceful majority could not alter their course.

So is it the same with Islam today?
Are the majority of Muslims having a say?
They claim to be peaceful, but do they really matter?
It’s the…

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Forced migration of minorities, Mostly Hindu and Sikhs in Pakistan.

Muslims making lots of fuss about Israel’s very existence when they, in their own countries, oppress, murder and enslave minorities.

Struggle for Hindu Existence

Islamic Insurgency and Jehadi Persecution causing Forced Migration of non-Muslim minorities, Mostly Hindu and Sikhs in Pakistan.

Minority migration…..

A study noting how the non-Muslim Pakistanis are forced to leave their homes, jobs, businesses, and even extended families to save their lives under a clear and present danger

Pakistani Hindu pilgrims wait for transportation at the India-Pakistan border border post in Wagah on August 11, 2012. A group of 232 Pakistani Hindu pilgrims are arriving in India for planned religious visits to sacred Hindu and Sikh shrines in Amritsar, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Delhi, and Indore on a month-long tour. The visit of Pakistani Hindu pilgrims follow reports of intimidation and conversion of Hindus in the Muslim-majority country. AFP PHOTO/NARINDER NANU        (Photo credit should read NARINDER NANU/AFP/GettyImages)Pakistani Hindu pilgrims wait for transportation at the India-Pakistan border border post in Wagah on August 11, 2012. A group of 232 Pakistani Hindu pilgrims are arriving in India for planned religious visits to sacred Hindu and Sikh shrines in Amritsar, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Delhi, and Indore on a month-long tour. The visit of Pakistani Hindu pilgrims follow reports of intimidation and conversion of Hindus in the Muslim-majority country. AFP PHOTO/NARINDER NANU (Photo credit should read NARINDER NANU/AFP/GettyImages)

Dr Naazir Mahmood | TNS | May 24, 2015:: Social research is scarce in Pakistan and good qualitative research is even scarcer. The universities that do…

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Could the devolved nations block repeal of the Human Rights Act and the enactment of a new Bill of Rights?

Public Law for Everyone

In my last post on the proposed repeal of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the enactment of a British Bill of Rights, I considered the extent to which the House of Lords might thwart the Government’s plans. My conclusion was that the Lords might plausibly assert itself so as to delay the legislation, traditional understandings of the Salisbury Convention notwithstanding, but that the Parliament Act 1911 clearly deprives the Lords of any absolute veto. What, however, of the devolved nations? Could they block the implementation of the UK Government’s proposals? 

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Again today freedom of speech, the right to free expression received a violent response from the Muslim community in Texas, USA.


journal irresponsable

Earlier this week six writers – Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi – withdrew from the PEN American Center’s annual gala on 5 May in protest against the free speech organization’s decision to give the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo its annual Freedom of Expression Courage Award. In an email to PEN, Kushner said she was withdrawing because of Charlie Hebdo‘s ‘cultural intolerance’ and its promotion of ‘a kind of forced secular view’. Carey criticised ‘PEN’s seeming blindness to the cultural arrogance of the French nation, which does not recognize its moral obligation to a large and disempowered segment of their population’.

In my original post on the Charlie Hebdo killings back in January, I challenged ‘the pusillanimity of many so-called liberals, their unwillingness to stand up for basic liberal principles, their readiness to betray the progressives within minority communities’ and observed that…

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Introducing – the new campaign site

Please take the time to visit – the new campaign site demanding the UK’s political leaders and media finally take account of the truth of Islam. We are due to launch later this year, and are looking for partners in other nations as well as ex-Muslims to explain the truth of Islam. Please get in touch at if you would like to take part. Meanwhile, please subscribe to the newsletter to receive automatic updates and be the first on the ground when we launch.

Many thanks – and look forward to seeing you there!


Examine Islam has a new Campaign Website!

Dear loyal readers. I will soon be migrating my blogs to the new Examine Islam website at:

Please please subscribe to that asap to make sure you get the latest developments in the campaign, which we hope to launch later this year.

There are lots of ways you can take part – just visit the Activism and Fundraising pages. Latest blog is
